

YearPlanner is simple to use and yet has many powerful features:



  • View from 1 to 12 months in planner OR calendar layouts.
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface – print what you see.
  • Import from Outlook® wizard.
  • Outlook® style recurring events (daily, weekly, monthly, annual etc…). · Days/weeks from now estimate in status bar.
  • Event priorities to control which event appears first.
  • Left, centre, and right user-definable multi line Titles.
  • Left, centre, and right user-definable multi line Footers. · Left and right logo images.
  • User-definable margin area. · New planner wizard.
  • Toolbars for common functions – print, save etc…
  • Toolbar for zoom functions.
  • Acceleration keys and shortcuts for common functions. · National and religious holidays from over 40 countries. ·       Backup and restore functions.


  • Save as image (e.g. GIF) · Save as PDF compatible ·      Export View
  • Import View
  • Print and print Preview functions


  • Copy, Cut, Paste events
  • Undo/Redo action (10 levels)
  • RIGHT-CLICK items for context menus · Double click to edit/create new events
  • Drag events to new dates
  • Drag to extend/move block events · Drag to create multi day blocks

General Options

  • Show program on the task, system tray, or both. · Close program to tray.
  • Load program at start-up · Display dialog tips.


  • Global reminders option. · Individual event reminder. ·      Optional reminder sound.
  • Configurable reminder warning period.


  • Multiple categories for each event. · Layer sets to define view categories. ·            Category based colours and fonts.
  • Optional display of category as key item. · Add, remove, and rename category.
  • Combine multiple categories into one.
  • Purge (remove) events with selected category.


  • Multiple views of the same events data.. · Individual Theme, Layout, and Layer set. ·          Automatic or manual planner start day.
  • Optional shading of elapsed days. · Optional TODAY indicator.
  • Optional images display. · Optional label styles.


  • Multiple, user-definable, theme sets.
  • Define planner background colours and fonts.
  • Define event colours and fonts (individual or category based).


  • Define Calendar or Planner style.
  • Control column type, paper orientation, and key position. · Define start day-of-week.
  • Define Week-end days and hidden days. · Control number of months (1-12)
  • Label options to Force each on a new line and Clip text to day area.


  • Define subject, short name, location, start and end time/date or all day type of event.
  • Recurrence Patterns:

o Daily – every N days or weekday.

o Weekly – every N weeks or selected days. o Monthly – day N of every N months.

o Monthly – the Nth day of every N months. o Yearly – e.g. birthday.

o Yearly – the Nth day of month.

  • Appearance, image, image and text, or image only. · Appearance individual or category based.
  • Narrow, double, or day-width size blocks. · Multi-day events displayed as blocks.